Call for Papers

Our first call for papers invited submissions on “Digital Material/ism” which have been presented in our inaugural volume 1(1) 2015. The second call for papers and volume 2(1) are dedicated to “Quantified Selves | Statistic Bodies“. Volume  2(2) 2016 is a special issue on “Politics of Big Data“, edited by Mark Coté, Paolo Gerbaudo and Jennifer Pybus. Volume 3(1) 2017 explores “Making and Hacking” practices. Volume 3(2) 2017 “Mobile Digital Practices“, edited by Anna Lisa Ramella, Asko Lehmuskallio, Tristan Thielmann and Pablo Abend, discusses the mobility of people, data and devices. The CfP on Rethinking AI invited authors to explore and reflect on recent and historical AI discourses. Most recently, we called for papers discussing Digital Citizens and Inequalities and Divides in Digital Cultures. The  call Laborious Play and Playful Work for a double issue addresses the complex thematic field of play and labour dialectics. The call Taming Digital Practices asks to expand the concept of domestication used in media and technology studies in order to account for today’s networked homes, which transcend the places we traditionally associate with the domestic. The call Coding Covid-19: The Rise of the App-Society has dealt with the concept of code in relation to the Covid-19 crisis. The current call Towards Popular Techno-Futures – a Global Policy Perspective explores popular techno-futures through interdisciplinary and international perspectives, including Cultural and Media Studies, Science and Technology Studies and related disciplines.