About the Journal

Digital Culture & Society is a refereed, international journal, fostering discussion about how digital technologies, platforms and applications reconfigure daily lives and practices. It offers a forum for critical analysis and inquiries into digital media theory. The journal provides a publication environment for interdisciplinary research approaches, contemporary theory developments and methodological innovation in digital media studies. It invites reflection on how culture unfolds through the use of digital technology, and how it conversely influences the development of digital technology itself.

The journal is a research platform for those interested in the interdisciplinary field of digital media studies. Its goal is to create a cross-disciplinary repository on the interconnection between research fields such as media studies, cultural studies, science and technology studies, sociology, gender studies, anthropology, game studies, media/art history and information science. It welcomes contributions addressing the relevance of interventional approaches, such as action research and media archaeology, as well as articles related to material culture studies, actor-network theory, critical code studies and software studies.

Digital Culture & Society seeks contributions that display a clear, inspiring engagement with media theory and/or methodological issues. Emphasising the relevance of new practices and technology appropriation for theory as well as methodology debates, the journal also encourages empirical investigations.

The journal’s structure reflects the editors’ aim to spark and incorporate the discourse on digital media practices, theory, history and methodologies. Each issue consists of 3 sections:

  1. The main section of each issue is dedicated to an overarching theme which has been specified in the respective call for papers. The editors aim at including a range of articles that involve theoretical and/or methodological debates, preferably in the light of authors’ own empirical investigations.
  2. “Entering the Field” presents initial and ongoing empirical work in digital media studies. The editors have created this experimental section to provide a platform for researchers who would like to initiate a discussion concerning their emerging, yet maybe incomplete research material and plans as well as methodological insights.
  3. “In Conversation with …” presents dialogues between the editors and authors of recently published works in the field of digital media studies. The interviews will be closely related to the respective issue’s main theme.

If you are interested in submitting a paper or would like to contribute to an interview, please take a look at our submission guidelines and our recent calls for papers.


(Founding) Editors

Pablo Abend, University of Cologne (GER), co-founder and editor 2014-today

Mathias Fuchs, Leuphana University Lüneburg (GER), co-founder and editor 2014-today

Anna Näslund, Department of Culture and Aesthetics, Stockholm University, editor 2023-today

Ramón Reichert, University of Applied Arts Vienna (AT), co-founder and editor 2014-today

Annika Richterich, University of Sussex (UK) and Maastricht University (NL), co-founder and editor 2014-2020

Karin Wenz, Maastricht University (NL), co-founder and editor 2014-today